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  1. 剛畢業(yè)的手表展柜定做設計師,根據(jù)網(wǎng)上效果圖模棱兩可的做了一個自己的手表展柜定做效果圖,這個無可厚非,90%的手表展柜定做設計師都是這樣學習成長起來的。我也很樂意幫助這些初出茅廬的手表展柜定做設計師。但是他們隨便根據(jù)設計出的手表展柜定做效果圖用cad畫了基本的結構,具體的層板高度,材料標注等我們手表展柜定做廠家真正想看的內(nèi)容卻是空白,對于這類手表展柜定做的設計師我都是很有耐心的跟他講一下手表展柜定做的基本知識。大概的手表展柜定做報價,為什么呢,換位思考一下,誰會拿自己幾萬甚至幾十萬的手表展柜定做交給一個剛畢業(yè)的設計師呢,所以剛出來的手表展柜定做設計師建議就是多去手表展柜定做廠家學習一下手表展柜定做的施工工藝,實踐得真知,讓自己的手表展柜定做設計的路越走越遠。

  2. 到處比價的中間公司,Ecel表格標的很清楚,手表展柜定做的數(shù)量,效果圖,和施工圖要求,對于這種我們剛在阿里巴巴做網(wǎng)站的時候很是興奮,哇塞,每天有那么多人咨詢,而且連手表展柜定做的報價表都的那么好。事實上是只要他在淘寶和阿里巴巴網(wǎng)站上找到你的話自然在其他手表展柜定做廠也發(fā)了很多表格,廣撒漁網(wǎng),價低者得,所以這類手表展柜定做報價我們基本上都是不報的,基本上沒有戲唱,我們手表展柜定做廠是以質(zhì)量取勝,而不是價格,而且我們手表展柜定做價格比一般手表展柜定做廠的高,真材實料制作不弄虛作假。

  3. 招投標拿來墊底的,這個真的得鄙視一下人品有問題,前年我們就遇到過這樣的案例,一個跨國公司要手表展柜定做,找了3家據(jù)說是廣州都是很有實力和影響的手表展柜定做廠家來投標,其中我們就是其中一個。叫我們做好投標的文件,這個對于我們來說是小菜一碟,因為但凡有一定實力的手表展柜定做廠家都會有自己的投標文件,我們興奮和滿懷希望的去了他們的珠江新城的總部,要知道在珠江新城我們林總的車簡直就是小小巫,去到那里一看,有一家跟我們實力相當,另外一家都不知是什么企業(yè),沒有什么名氣,由于是我們林總親自出馬,當然是勝算加碼,結果后來兩家有實力的都廢標了,可是大概過了一個多月吧,他們換了一個人叫我們重新去洽談一下,然后才知道他們的總部老外來了,對確定的手表展柜定做廠家不滿意,然后就叫我們重新來洽談一下,說實話,一個懂技術的手表展柜廠家ceo很多,但是既懂技術又懂設計還跟老外交談不用翻譯的自然就沒有幾個了,自然我們把這個項目接下來做了,做下來成為朋友后才知道,當初我手表展柜定做廠家和另一家都是墊底的,其實早就內(nèi)定了另一家比較次的手表展柜定做廠家,這樣做無非是給國外的老總看看的場面,其實這種情況司空見慣,我們也習慣了,畢竟我們不可能去扭轉(zhuǎn)這種局面,老實人做好自己的手表展柜定做事情就好了,其他交給老天去安排。


We have been specializing in customizing watch display cabinets for over a decade, and frequently receive inquiries from merchants who send us various images or quotation sheets for customized watch display cabinets to request a quote. I'd like to organize and share some of these common scenarios as a reminder.

  1. Newly graduated designers of customized watch display cabinets often create their own design renderings based loosely on online examples. This is understandable as 90% of designers in this field learn and grow in this way. I am more than happy to assist these budding designers. However, when they produce CAD drawings based solely on their renderings, crucial details like shelf heights and material specifications—which manufacturers truly need to see—are often omitted. For such designers, I patiently explain the fundamentals of customizing watch display cabinets and provide an approximate quotation. After all, who would entrust a designer fresh out of college with their valuable watches worth tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, to display? Therefore, I suggest new designers visit manufacturers to learn about the construction techniques and gain practical experience to further develop their skills in designing customized watch display cabinets.

  2. Middleman companies who compare prices extensively often send detailed Excel sheets specifying the quantity, design renderings, and construction drawings for customized watch display cabinets. Initially, we were excited by the number of inquiries we received when we first started our online presence on Alibaba. However, it turned out that these companies sent similar inquiries to numerous manufacturers, hoping to get the lowest price. As a result, we rarely provide quotes for such inquiries as we prioritize quality over price, and our prices are higher than average due to the use of genuine materials.

  3. Bidding processes where some parties are merely used as a decoy are indeed contemptible. The year befor last year, we encountered a case where a multinational company wanted to customize watch display cabinets and invited three reputed manufacturers in Guangzhou to bid. We were one of the chosen candidates. We prepared the bidding documents with ease, as any competent manufacturer would have their own set of documents. Excited and hopeful, we visited their headquarters in Zhujiang New Town, only to find that one of the other candidates was of similar strength, while the third was an unknown enterprise. As our CEO's presence gave us an advantage, both of the competent candidates were disqualified. After a month, they contacted us again, explaining that the foreign executives were unsatisfied with the initially selected manufacturer and wanted to discuss with us. It turned out that the entire bidding process was a sham, and the winning candidate was predetermined. Such scenarios are commonplace, and we've learned to accept them. We simply focus on delivering quality products and leave the rest to fate.

So, what characterizes a genuine and serious merchant interested in customizing watch display cabinets? Typically, they engage in detailed discussions, share site photos, and provide their vision for the cabinets. They request initial layouts and budgets based on their needs and are willing to iterate on the design and quotation over the course of a week or even longer. Sometimes, these merchants even visit our factory to discuss matters face-to-face. We are delighted to collaborate with such merchants who truly want to create outstanding watch display cabinets, and we are committed to developing satisfactory products together.






I am Zhang Yani, the esteemed lady of the showcase industry, representing Dongguan Xinfeng Showcase Factory. For 30 years, our factory has specialized in crafting luxury showcase displays and props akin to those found in Cartier.

With over 100 domestic and international brands authorizing us to produce their showcase displays and props, our products may be pricier, but our quality rivals that of Cartier.

Our factory is unparalleled in China, as we are capable of fabricating both showcase displays for watches, jewelry, and museums, as well as various display props.

I have registered the showcase brand under my own name, "Zhang Yani," signifying my unwavering dedication to this industry.

If you are not satisfied with the display case, welcome to try Xinfeng Factory.

手機/微信 Mobile/WeChat:17688026138

聯(lián)系人 Contact Person:章婭妮 Zhang Yani


Address: No. 42-1, Huanqi Avenue, Yongfa Industrial Zone, Qishi Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province





[email protected]







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